Tenko’s Stage

Tenko performed all over the world with a goal of thrilling audiences with thunderous beats. They has drawn attention for its unique performances that amalgamate taiko drumming with the principles of theater.

The performers make extensive use of some thirty traditional Japanese instruments, including Japanese drums, shamisen, and flute. The audience is enchanted by the manifold scenes unfolding before them – comical drama expressed with the beat of Japanese drumming, dancing to Latin beats, and sharp rhythms.

On their European tour, the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad van het Noorden praised the group as “a rare team that is able to fuse tradition and modernism.”

Tenko performed “Tsukumogami” with Mondori Isaya, Maria Kley and Nishiko during the Oerol Festival 2017 on the beach of Terschelling island, the Netherlands. (Director:Sawako Kitabayashi / Producer: Quintus Visser and Maria van den Broek, Tentekomai)

Tsukumogami is musical and theatrical performance about the tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011.
Through dance, music and song Tenko “tells” about the lives of the deceased before, during and after the dramatic event, from the perspective of the objects washed ashore, the silent witnesses of the disaster.

The title of the performance – Tsukumogami – is taken from the Japanese word 付喪神: an everyday object that has become inspired.
The tsunami that hit Japan washed entire buildings and cars into the sea and countless large and small objects. Long after that, objects continued to wash up on the beaches of the Pacific; a football, a sink, a pan, a shoe …

In their “everydayness” these attributes make us feel more strongly than any drama what has happened.
They have become objects with an inspiring power: pain, loss, sorrow, but also memory, comfort, hope and faith are concentrated in them. They have become tsukumogami. Objects with a story.

Although the taiko – Japanese drum – plays a central role, they also play many musical instruments, including Japanese flutes, samisen (three-string guitar), koto (Japanese harp).
In the performance Tsukumogami, all kinds of objects that symbolize the objects washed ashore are played.

In addition, Tenko has been able to innovate in recent years with the development of dramatic performances, of which Tsukumogami can be counted as a highlight.
The story was understood and touched to everyone, young and old. Each performance sold out and ended in a standing ovation.

Tenko can also collaborate with various artists all over the world.

We have collaborated with many artists such as musician, dancer, tap dancer, calligrapher, mime actor, singer, etc…
Of course we can perform with artist in your country.

Mondori Isaya / dancer (1982~2019)
Yuki Katsuragi / singer(1998)
Hidekazu Akai / actor(1999, 2015)
Takeharu Kunimoto / naniwabushi reciter(2000, 2010, 2012)
Takashi Furuya / Saxophonist(2009, 2016)

Mitsuhiro Furuya / Saxophonist(2009, 2016)
Wild Cherry / dancer(2007)
Miyuki Kawanaka / singer(2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
Soun Takeda / calligrapher(2010)
Makoto Matsui / actor(2010)
Naoki Iimuro / mime actor(2011, 2013)

Naomichi Hanazono / dancer(2012)
Mitsuko Nakamura/ singer(2014)
Mika Shinno / singer (2014)
Kiyoshi Nakajo / singer(2014)
Mortal Combat / breaking dancer(2014)
SAX PARTY / saxophonist(2014)
Yasuka Gotou / painter(2014)

Takeshi Kitayama / singer(2015)
Sisyu / calligrapher(2015)
Sayuri Ishikawa / singer(2017)
Maria Kley / visual artist(2017)
Nishiko / artist (2017)
Kazunori Kumagai / tap dancer(2017)

Sarah Alainn / singer(2017)
NAOTO / violinist(2017)
Circle J / Celtic Punk Band (2018)
Gaku Azuma / Ukiyoe painter, art director(2018)
human note / singer(2018) etc…